In case you missed it 👀
Visitors of our No-Code Sale events always have the first choice,
but after a week, we also share the pitches with those who couldn’t join the event.
While the most popular products are already sold,
there are still some interesting products left for you to acquire 👇
So far 22 products got sold already via No-Code Sale 🥳
Want to have the first choice next time?
Our next No-Code Sale event is on 31st May
Pitches 26th April
Here are the products pitched during our event last Wednesday:
Doc (@_docwilliams) sold No Code Dating ✅
Gayatri (@gayatri_gt) is selling Wish Wall 👀
Chris (@nocodetitan) is selling ViduAI 👀
Tobi (@tbmarke) sold Indie Affiliate Hub ✅
You can find all open listings on our website,
Cleaning out our garage 🧹
The event last week was the last time, we’re calling it a garage sale.
Not because we’re quitting with the events, because they are here to stay.
Instead we want to make the events more valuable for both the sellers AND the buyers. Therefore we decided to drop the current cap ($500) from May as part of the merge with No-Code Exits.
But before we do that, we want to clean out our garage first:
by re-sharing all open listings from the last months.
If you want to acquire No-Code for a real bargain, this is your last chance.. 👀
Perhaps you joined us only recently, and didn’t see the previous pitches.
Then make sure to take a look, because there still are some real gems for sale 💎
Build to Exit 🚀
In the mean time we also started with the first round of our Build to Exit Challenge, in association with
From 18th April, participants are building a product to sell during our No-Code Sale event on 31st May. You can follow their progress via our new upcoming page and on Twitter via #buildtoexit.
In the mean time: